Sunday, November 28, 2010

For those who don't know introduction to who I am and what makes me do;)

First of all, I am an English lass! Born and raised in the United Kingdom and YES, I still have my accent, as clear as it's ever been. I love Marmite, fish n chips and possess a SAUCY sense of humor, typical of us Brits who are also known to speak their minds. And I do, often. Sometimes that gets me in trouble yet as someone once said, "I'd rather be hated for who I AM, than loved for who I am NOT." Indeed, and so it goes with me as does another famous quote, "Well behaved women rarely make history." Because, to be honest, who wants to be well behaved all the time? Society dictates in order chaos does not rule, that we must be responsible and I get that. I am a parent, I have to work, be courteous to others, abide by the rules of life and one must yet because of these society 'rules' we can easily lose our minds, wonder what happened to US as slowly and very easily, life can gobble up our soul greedily then callously spit it out. I know because I witness it every day with those out there who are AFRAID to say "Enough!!" And make a stand for what they believe to be right or just and choose instead, for whatever reason, to keep quiet and the bitterness festers inside of them. Sometimes you have to be mis-behaved. In personal and professional arenas just to SAVE your SANITY. At the end of the day, it all comes down to one thing and is how I personally choose to LIVE my life and that is, in complete TRUTH. I also speak from experience because I used to be afraid, scared to simply be ME, was fearful of what others thought, was someone who did NOT always live her truth and I guess you could say now that I am making up for lost time, LOL. It is NEVER too late.  How I can claim my happiness fully in living my life free of fear and allowing the real Debi to shine through I will save for another Blog yet for now will also add that my 'transformation' for want of a better word did not happen overnight, it came about via an expected source, took much soul searching and the Universe allowing me to cross paths with some special individuals who helped forge my truth...people like YOU...for when we open our hearts to others, let them IN, without judgment and without fear of the outcome, even with family and friends...THAT'S when the magic really happens. Being ME makes me tick yet I am only half of the equation; I need you, my human sidekick and together we make tick tock...ahhhh, the wonder of human connection...