Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Those Damn Flying Monkeys...

It's a tough call when you're on the yellow brick road of life to rise to what you know, to humbly BE on the path, the journey of who you are, meant to be and not be affected by those damn flying monkeys that when you least expect, turn up and revel in being a nuisance as they try to get you off or at the very least want to leave you wondering if you're going in the right direction. Of course, that's the whole point, the hidden lesson..it's what we do with the monkeys that matters, the choice we make; allow for anger? Bitterness? Jealousy? Or allow for kindness, forgiveness, non judgment and simply let it go...I speak not only for myself here, yet for all humanity because we need reminding and we need it often.  We live in a world where ego is more important than our hearts and feuding and fighting has all but consumed them; where ego has banished forgiveness with a careless wave of the hand, along with arrogant PRIDE who doesn't give a shit. FEAR has people literally fighting for their own souls, IF they have the guts to go there, most do not, because FEAR and EGO are in cahoots. Joined at the hip. ONE and the SAME. And I can hear those flying monkeys cackling with laughter because they know...they are part of the SET UP of life and the path that we never choose, do not sign up for yet is given..long before we take that first step on the yellow brick road and one moment today was testimony to that. I was at the elementary school that Ollie used to attend and as I chatted to Debbie, one of the school secretaries, we observed a 2nd grader who was in the sick bay, a place Ollie visited often. She told me how much she enjoyed their quiet conversations as he lay there waiting for me and then with tears in her eyes said, "I will never forget how he would stroke my hand and tell me that he hoped I would ride his train some day because that is what I am going to be Miss Debbie, a train." She recalled he shared this with her several times and had almost forgotten and only now...can she 'see' this innocent and astonishing prophecy.  We do not sign up for our paths in life, it is given.  We may not like it or want it, yet it is ours alone. Ollie knew. I know. And the true MAGIC happens when we HONOR our path. I intend to and welcome the flying monkeys to join me, which if the present human spirit of many out there prevails, will be quite often. The path is never easy yet I walk on regardless...and you can too.

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